Knowledge can only be volunteered; it can’t be conscripted.
People always know more than they can tell, and can tell more than they can write.
People only know what they need to know when they need to know it.
Dave Snowden


All activities and services are offered both in German and in English.


External evaluation, support of self-evaluation; expertise in evaluation and quality management; meta-evaluation   more

Organisational Development

Organisational culture, leadership, change, human resources, cooperation and teams, projects, process, quality, knowledge, networks    more

Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management

Expertise, analyses, audits, intervention designs, process support and evaluation    more

International Projects and Expertise

Networking and recruitment of cooperation partners, project design and coordination, expert work for international organisations

Training and Coaching

Communication and moderation, leadership, project management, team development, Gender Mainstreaming, Diversity Management, Evaluation and quality management


Management meetings, strategy workshops, work sessions, project meetings, events, conferences
